
5D Coaching GraphicWelcome to a new type of coaching designed to empower you to shift into a dramatic transformation.

As you choose to see differently and then choose to respond to life differently, you will hardly believe that you used to be the former version of yourself, with a list of problems and symptoms.

Your former life will seem like a dream … as indeed, it is.

And this means being free of limiting and self-sabotaging behaviors, drama, a minimizing of attracting negative situations, and all of the accompanying sadness, frustration, and depression.

The type of counseling I do encourages you to step into your own sovereignty as a multidimensional being.

Multidimensional? What does that mean?

It means there is an aspect of you functioning as an avatar driving around this body in this very tangible reality.

And there is another aspect of you that is operating in the invisible realm, invisible to you, in another frequency dimension, that is guiding you and sending you wisdom and direction … but you only receive it when you allow it to come through.

Is that a big stretch? To see yourself as a multidimensional being coexisting in multiple frequencies at once? It’s the truth!

We have been taught to only think of ourselves as inside of a story and ourselves as the main player in this story, with others around us playing their roles, all the while we are experiencing and collecting events that add to our stories, resulting in the personality we call “me”. An ever-growing collection of stories.

But these stories are NOT YOU. They are just the coping mechanisms and survival skills you acquired to stay alive as a human in a physical body. Your real identity is much more alive and much more evolved.

It is VERY exciting to discover who you are without the stories!

And the very nature of living in stories brings drama and more conflict … and more suffering … because they are designed to serve this purpose, acting as a catalyst for change, until the moment that we say, “NO MORE! I WANT PEACE!”

And then you’re ready.

For there is another way to live.

The path beyond stories … the path of living your real, honest, authentic, natural soul self, made in the image of your Creator as a co-creator of your experiences … and this can be accessed any time you are willing to let go of the old and say hello to this version of yourself, who is naturally at peace and in harmony with others and all life.

This is how we access our inner genius, our innate wisdom, talents, and natural abilities … by opening the door to the fullness of who you are.

So I will be LISTENING to your stories so I can see where you may be stuck.

I have shamanangelic clear seeing (clairvoyance) so I will see the blockages in your field that keep you looping in repeating patterns, preventing you from living your best life.

Couple in loveAs we work together to clear the obstacles to receive that ongoing guidance from your own Source, you become your own best friend. And you fall in love with you … essential to truly loving others and finding deep lasting romantic love — impossible unless you truly love yourself.

And the reason most of us don’t love ourselves is we’ve made our stories into ourselves … and that is just not the truth of who we are.

As you let go, via our coaching work together, you’re no longer standing in your own way of being in harmony, with partnerships and relationships, and with yourself.

So, this is a little different than traditional coaching, because we are going to avoid battling, we’re going to avoid taking sides and we’re going to avoid the “I’m right and they’re wrong” types of positions. All of these battles are the mirror for you to see your hidden beliefs.

Instead, we are going to learn to put on magic glasses that enable us to see multiple points of view, respecting that each person is a version of God incarnate and their needs, perspectives, and opinions deserve to be respected.

As you learn to live like this, you will find that you increase your personal power and your peace and happiness keeps rising up and up. And your joy and ability to have fun in your life just keeps rising.

You find that the improved quality of your life and inner peace is just blowing your mind because you no longer are finding conflict with other people

And instead, you’re listening to the inner guidance which is giving you hints and clues as to how to find a resolution quickly with any minor disputes that may arise, and how to find ease with all relationships and interactions.

As you are willing to see that dropping old stories is the way to a happy life, you will also be very interested in finding the sweet spot where you can co-create the highest good for all parties.

And most importantly, if there are any children involved in your life, we will prioritize learning the tools that will ensure they are not suffering any fallout from the damages of a volatile relationship.

We want to make sure that our priorities are around putting the health and welfare and wellbeing of our children first and putting our adult needs in a secondary position, because this is true kindness, and this is fulfilling the responsibility and calling of the Office of parent to safeguard and protect the psyche of these precious ones that have been given to us as our responsibility.

And so what we are going to be doing in coaching together is taking a little journey where we’ll be hiking up a mountain along a beautiful trail.

And as we keep going up the mountain we keep getting a higher and higher perspective.

The VISTA keeps getting broader until we find ourselves on top of a mountain looking down on the valley below and can hardly believe that we used to engage in behaviors that were abusive to another person, causing suffering or pain, or abusive or hurtful to ourselves, and especially in any way hurt our children or a friend or a loved one.

So instead, from that view on the mountain top, we will be seeing things through a higher lens, the lens of our own higher mind or our multidimensional self and in that position, we are given guidance and understandings as to the best course of action at all times.

This enables us to begin to live in this realm of higher frequency where we’re tuned in and we’re listening.

But not only listening to that voice of inner guidance, but we’re obeying it and acting upon it.

your Source connection whispering in your earAnd this becomes like a best friend scenario. If you had someone giving you clues and suggestions, like the voice from an earpiece an actor wears on the stage, someone always whispering hints or the answers to you, wouldn’t you love it? Wouldn’t you love to have that inner connection?

Most of us would love advice from an all-knowing expert to tell us where to invest and what not to gamble on. When to take action and when to wait. Because our higher self already knows the outcome, as it is outside of time and space of this linear 3D reality.

And so this is the goal of life: to be able to live with ease and effortlessness and not have to push and push with our human personality.

Because we have traded up for opening the ongoing dialogue and conversation with a higher aspect of our own self that is imbued with wisdom and divine intelligence and wants to offer that to us on a 24/7 basis.

So if you are interested in learning how to solve your problems and reach your goals through adding magical tools to your tool belt that will allow you to feel guided and protected and in a safety zone so that more and more beauty and less stress manifests in your life, then let’s start working together.

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Your Own Private Video Game

Photo of a summer meadow

Here is What is Exciting to Me:

Thinking of yourself as inside an epic video game, the best in the world, a virtual reality so realistic, so crystal clear that you think it is real.  In this game you are cast as the Hero on the Hero’s Quest for ultimate transformation.  The goal of the game: do everything you need to do — fulfill every task on a series of levels — so you earn enough power to be able to shapeshift into the preferred Pure Land, aka Valhalla, aka Paradise.  Getting to this peaceful land is the point of the game.

And suddenly you become hyper aware that you are in this game, and notice that everything around you is fluid and responsive to your thoughts, everything is suspended in a location around you, just as you have designed it to be there.  The game is then switched ON, to ACTIVATED status, and now you require all of your senses to quicken so that you are aware of yourself as in a holographic hyperspace version of yourself as pure consciousness, alone, surrounded by a 360-degree bubble of fluid responsiveness that shows up as your experience.

And delightfully, the unexpected happens.  It seems you have entered this game blindly, not knowing the codes, in order to grow your ability to choose correctly in spontaneity.

Using your intution and your imaginal* powers simultaneously.

And you meet people along the way who are either the trolls under the bridge, magical shamans, healers or those you battle. And each time you engage you can learn from it, and grow from it, or it can take a piece of your power, and slow your progress. Your choice.

Exchange Your Addictions

And along the way you discover that you can exchange the heavy things you have been carrying in your bags (like the story: “I have an addiction”) and upgrade them for magical jewels that increase your power.  Feeling lighter and lighter, your power grows, and your journey seems more effortless.

And this happens as you realize you are screenwriter of this game and all the people in your life merely reflections of your own scriptwriting, echoing back the lines to you that you have written for them …

It takes a while to stay mindful of this because you get so caught up in the stories … everything seems so real … so convincing …

. . .

Welcome to the Real World, Neo.

. . .

Sharing Your Psychic and Metaphysical Gifts With the World

What if you could learn how to change the script and stories locked within by learning what is in the Wernickes’ Center of the brain (as limiting commands and beliefs), and how to switch them off? (You can!)

And what if you could learn how to write new beliefs that reflect your true preferences, so you can live the highest dream of yourself, activate your inner superhero and share your innate spiritual and metaphysical gifts with the world? (You can!)

A new breakthrough method is now being taught to switch off the unwanted aspects of your life, and add in the new beliefs that are reflective of the REAL you.  Learn Synergistic Kinesiology to attain the mastery you are seeking, and create miracles of self-healing for the people in your life.
* Imaginal powers:

“When man solves the mystery of imagining, he will have discovered the secret of causation, and that is: Imagining creates reality. Therefore, the man who is aware of what he is imagining knows what he is creating; realizes more and more that the drama of life is imaginal — not physical. All activity is at bottom imaginal. An awakened Imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.”  quoted from  The Law and The Promise by Neville Goddard